FCSS-FESC Statement on FAE Strike in Quebec


Québec, QC — Since November 23, 2023, the Fédération autonome de l'enseignement (FAE) has been on strike, ecompassing 66,000 primary and secondary school teachers in the FAE and more than 420,000 public sector workers who have joined them in a united front to advocate for the well-being of educators and workers in general.

While negotiations between the FAE and the government are progressing, the Quebec government has continued to demonstrate a lack of seriousness as they continue to avoid addressing key concerns voiced by the teachers.

As a result of the strike, 1.2 million students are staying home from school indefinitely. The strike has rightfully worried many parents and students given that the FAE maintains that they intend to strike until a favourable contract agreement is reached.

The FCSS-FESC stands in solidarity with the teachers and calls for the government to appropriately value educators who are at the cornerstone of intellectual and emotional development for our youth. We believe that comprehensive and proactive dialogue is required on both sides to achieve a fair agreement so that students and teachers can return to their classrooms.


Founded in 2012, the Federation of Canadian Secondary Students / Fédération des élèves du secondaire au Canada (FCSS-FESC) is an entirely non-partisan youth-led charity that strives to advocate for students in secondary schools and CÉGEPs across Canada.

Media Contact:
Frank Li, Chief Communications Officer
frank.li@fcss-fesc.ca / +1 (289) 408-8600 ext. 104


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