FCSS-FESC Statement on Proposed Ontario Education Reforms
Image credit: Susan Q Yin (@syinq) on Unsplash.
TORONTO, ON – Earlier today, Ontario Minister of Education Stephen Lecce introduced the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act which proposes significant reforms to Ontario’s education system.
The Federation of Canadian Secondary Students / Fédération des élèves du secondaire au Canada (FCSS-FESC) is supportive of proposed changes that will improve transparency on spending and track school board progress towards provincial education priorities, as well as new guidelines for reviewing the performance of school board directors of education. These modifications will bring much needed accountability to Ontario school boards.
To that end, it is imperative that the process for determining these “provincial priorities” is equally transparent and a direct result of consultation with education stakeholders groups, including school board associations, student advocacy organizations, professional associations, unions and parent groups.
Students have been unequivocal that what they learn in school needs to be relevant to today’s day and age. We are encouraged by the creation of formal guidelines that will lead to a more transparent and predictable curriculum review process.
Over recent months, there has been a concerning increase in news stories about school board trustee conduct. The appointment of an impartial integrity commissioner to investigate trustee code of conduct complaints is a positive step forward that will help refocus school boards on their core objective: student achievement and well-being.
Additional investments of $180 million in literacy and math are particularly timely as students continue to face the impact of learning loss onset by the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to seeing school boards receive additional clarity on the specific role of math facilitators and levels of tiered support.
Founded in 2012, the Federation of Canadian Secondary Students / Fédération des élèves du secondaire au Canada (FCSS-FESC) is an entirely non-partisan youth-led charity that strives to advocate for students in secondary schools and CÉGEPs across Canada.
Media Contact:
Bruce Yu, Executive Director
bruce.yu@fcss-fesc.ca / +1 (289) 408-8600 ext. 104