Young Policy Leaders Conference.
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This page was archived because: the Young Policy Leaders Conference has been phased out, effective 1 July 2024.
Empowering students through public policy.
On Sunday, June 16, 2024, from 1 pm to 5:00 pm, at Richmond Hill Public Library Central Library, the Federation of Canadian Secondary Students / Fédération des élèves du secondaire au Canada (FCSS-FESC) will be hosting our annual Young Policy Leader’s Conference, Canada’s first and only public policy conference exclusively for high schools students. The event will feature guest speakers, a case study competition with a prize pool of $100, and engaging workshops.
This year, participants will choose from a case study in Education Policy, Economic Policy, Technology Policy, or Climate Policy. Individual competitors will have 30 minutes to prepare a solution, which will later be presented to a panel of judges.
Registration is now open until June 9, 11:59 PM. To purchase your ticket, please fill out this form and pay the $10 registration fee through CanadaHelps.
100+ participants
4 expert speakers

YPLC 2023 Cases
In last year’s competition, participants were given a week to prepare 3 to 5 page reports on policy case studies. They are available below for your perusal. Note that these are all © FCSS-FESC.
Final Round Case Competition
First Place: Jacky Chan (Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy)
Second Place: Tina Jia (Richmond Hill High School)
Third Place: Angelina Tseng (Havergal College)