Want to lead the FCSS-FESC in 2024–2025?
Apply to be our next Executive Director!
Executive Director Application.
Calling all secondary student leaders who want to lead the FCSS-FESC during the 2024–2025 academic year.
The Executive Director acts as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the FCSS-FESC and is responsible for all day-to-day operational affairs of the organization. Selected candidates will chair the College of Chief Officers, provide strategic direction, and manage the Executive and Committees. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and the Council of Advisors, and occupies the highest leadership position within the organization.
About the position.
The Executive Director serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the FCSS-FESC and should have knowledge of the Federation's programs, services, and operations. The Executive Director is responsible for day-to-day leadership and management of the Federation's operations, programs, human resources, finances, communications, and public relations. Working knowledge of at least one of these areas or competencies is required.
Candidates should be strong leaders with efficient time management skills in order to effectively manage the organization and its programs and services. As a registered charity, the FCSS-FESC is subject to regulations under the Income Tax Act, Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, and Canada Revenue Agency guidelines. As such, candidates should have at minimum working knowledge of these regulatory structures.
Candidates should also have a firm understanding of the existing problems in education and how the organization's programs and services address these barriers, which include mental health, equity and accessibility, utility, post-secondary transition support, and empowerment for self-advocacy.
Basic eligibility requirements.
Applicants for the position of Executive Director must meet the following requirements:
Be an individual (i.e., not a corporation, society, or agency);
Be a resident of Canada (i.e., a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident of Canada, or a person granted refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act);
Be a resident of the province of Ontario;
Be enrolled in an Ontario publicly funded school board (i.e., public non-denominational or public Catholic) in either English or French;
Be entering grades 10, 11, 12, or 13 in September 2024;
Not have been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country; and
Not be in bankrupt status.
Applications were accepted until 11:59 p.m. EDT on 21 April 2024
We encourage all students who have a passion for issues in education and strong leadership abilities to apply. Previous leadership experience is not essential but is certainly helpful!
A strong candidate for the position of Executive Director does not need to possess all of these attributes. A willingness to learn new skills, acquire knowledge, and openness to new experiences is all that is required of applicants. The below sections highlight important attributes for the position of Executive Director but candidates are not expected to have acquired or mastered them at the time of application.
Knowledge of leadership and management principles as they relate to non-profit/charitable organizations
Knowledge of federal and provincial legislation applicable to voluntary sector organizations including: employment standards, human rights, occupational health and safety, charities, taxation, etc.
Knowledge of current community challenges and opportunities relating to the mission of the organization
Knowledge of human resources management
Knowledge of financial management
Knowledge of project management
Adaptability: Demonstrate a willingness to be flexible, versatile and/or tolerant in a changing work environment while maintaining effectiveness and efficiency
Behave Ethically: Understand ethical behaviour and business practices, and ensure that own behaviour and the behaviour of others is consistent with these standards and aligns with the values of the organization
Build Relationships: Establish and maintain positive working relationships with others, both internally and externally, to achieve the goals of the organization
Communicate Effectively: Speak, listen and write in a clear, thorough and timely manner using appropriate and effective communication tools and techniques
Creativity/Innovation: Develop new and unique ways to improve operations of the organization and to create new opportunities
Foster Teamwork: Work cooperatively and effectively with others to set goals, resolve problems, and make decisions that enhance organizational effectiveness
Lead: Positively influence others to achieve results that are in the best interest of the organization
Make Decisions: Assess situations to determine the importance, urgency and risks, and make clear decisions which are timely and in the best interests of the organization
Interactions with different parts of the Canadian education system at the national, provincial, district/school board, and local school levels
Understanding of the organization’s programs, services, and mission
Past involvement with the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association (OSTA-AECO), the Minister’s Student Advisory Council (MSAC), or other student advocacy bodies
Past experience with youth-led organizations and not-for-profit groups, as well as charities
Involvement with equity-related organizations including social activism, advocacy, and social justice groups
Experience with budget preparation, bookkeeping, grant writing, and effective time management in leadership roles
Leadership and strategy.
Working with the Board of Directors and Board of Advisors...
Participate with the Board of Directors in developing a vision and strategic plan to guide the organization
Identify, assess, and inform the Board of Directors of internal and external issues that affect the organization
Foster effective team work between the Executive, Ambassadors, and Student Advisory Committee
Conduct official correspondence on behalf of the organization, working with the Chief Communications Officer and Communications Department
Represent the organization at community activities to enhance the organization's community profile
Operational management.
Working with the Chief Operations Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Communications Officer...
Develop an operational plan which incorporates goals and objectives that work towards the strategic direction of the organization
Ensure that the operation of the organization meets the expectations of the public, education stakeholders, students, benefactors, and the Board of Directors
Oversee the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of the organization
Ensure that personnel, client, donor, and volunteer files are securely stored and privacy/confidentiality is maintained
Program planning and delivery.
Working with the Chief Operations Officer...
Oversee the planning, implementation and evaluation of the organization's programs and services (including Elevate, Aspire, Student Bill of Rights, and Project Demystify)
Ensure that the programs and services offered by the organization contribute to the organization's mission and reflect the priorities of the Board of Directors
Monitor the day-to-day delivery of the programs and services of the organization to maintain or improve quality
Oversee the planning, implementation, execution and evaluation of special projects
Human resource management.
Working with the Chief Operations Officer...
Determine staffing requirements for organizational management and program delivery
Oversee the implementation of the human resources policies, procedures and practices including the development of job description for all staff
Establish a positive, healthy and safe work environment in accordance with all appropriate legislation and regulations
Recruit, interview and select staff that have the right technical and personal abilities to help further the organization's mission
Ensure that all staff receives an orientation to the organization and that appropriate training is provided
Implement a performance management process for all staff which includes monitoring the performance of staff on an on-going basis and conducting an annual performance review
Coach and mentor staff as appropriate to improve performance
Discipline staff when necessary using appropriate techniques; release staff when necessary using appropriate and legally defensible procedures
Financial planning.
Working with the Chief Financial Officer...
Work with the College and staff to prepare a comprehensive budget
Work with the Department of Finances to secure adequate funding for the operation of the organization
Oversee the Chief Financial Officer in research of funding sources, oversee the development of fund raising plans and write funding proposals to increase the funds of the organization
Participate in fundraising activities as appropriate
Approve expenditures within the authority delegated by the Board of Directors
Ensure that sound bookkeeping and accounting procedures are followed
Administer the funds of the organization according to the approved budget and monitor the monthly cash flow of the organization
Provide the Board of Directors with comprehensive, regular reports on the revenues and expenditure of the organization
Ensure that the organization complies with all legislation covering taxation and withholding payments
Communications and advocacy.
Working with the Chief Communications Officer...
Communicate with stakeholders to keep them informed of the work of the organization and to identify changes in the community served by the organization
Establish good working relationships and collaborative arrangements with community groups, funders, politicians, and other organizations to help achieve the goals of the organization